Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Beginning: Very Good Place to Start

So here I am, me, Brooke.  And yes, I did lose 50 lbs. using a fabulous health program (the after picture was from a week ago).  Here's the deal:  I'm Not Finished!  I am still working towards a healthy BMI . Even though I feel so much better physically and mentally with some of the weight gone, my BMI of 27 reminds me I am still at risk for heart disease and diabetes.

What should I do now?  It's the end of October and I am already hearing the ring-a-ding melodies of a slow-melting-chocolate-peppermint-pumpkin-cinnamon-covered-everything-I-have-worked-for-going-to-waste-new-year.  Most people in diet-landia would say something like, "You've worked hard, give yourself a break."

This year I am determined to be Holiday Healthy.  What is "Holiday Healthy?" you ask.  Yes, it is a catch phrase my husband and I made up.  And yes, perhaps it is a little cheesy.  And you could even call it, if I do say so myself, a little poetic.  But what does it imply?

(Oh, by the way, this is my cute husband.  He's now lost 98 lbs!)

 Being Holiday Healthy is all about giving up something you want in the moment for something that is greater.  In my case that would mean forgoing a delicious slice of Mama C's homemade {Banana Cream Pie: The Best Pie Ever} for something that is more important for me, {Optimal Health}

Right about now, you might be thinking, "Come on lady, it's JUST ONE PIECE OF PIE."  To tell you the truth, a couple of years ago I would have been saying the same thing.  But I have come to realize that all those little, seemingly meaningless decisions we make are the ones that mold and shape our lives.  Giving in today makes it that much easier to give in tomorrow.  Not to mention, with all the parties, family gatherings, and get-togethers in November and December, one could justify having 'just one piece of pie' several times a week.  That's a lot of pie!

Staying healthy isn't easy.  There are so many things working against us.  This year I've decided that you are all going to help me, yes YOU random blog-reader internet user!  I am going to be accountable to YOU by posting all about my experiences on this blog every day for the next two months.  Each post will contain, at the very least, the following information:

Current Holiday Weight Loss Total (tomorrow will be zero, it's day one)

Pretty simple, right?  I will also be giving tips, tricks and other health info along the way.  You might also get to hear some of my own personal weight loss drama.

Thanks for helping me!  I hope what I post here is helpful to you!



  1. Brooke - I LOVE this! Just found it! You are so right! Thanks for sharing - I needed motivation and a little guidance. Wish I could be at the boutique - hope it goes well! Love ya!

  2. Glad NIck posted about your blog on FB. Although I have never put a cheesy or POetic name to it ;) I've always worked to be 'HOliday Healthy'. I can gain 5 lbs over a weekend if I'm not careful so imagine over a few months of enjoying Holidays! Thanks for sharing your Holiday Healthy journey!
