Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Day 13 STOP!

 Current Total Holiday Weight Loss {8 lbs}

Don't stop reading this blog:  STOP, CHALLENGE, & CHOOSE instead. 

That three word phrase has saved me more times than you know.  It helps me remember my primary goals.  Mmm...that cheesecake pie looks good, right?  You want to eat it?  STOP! CHALLENGE! CHOOSE! So how can this little phrase help you?  First you have to make primary goals.

Primary goals are your hopes and dreams.  A primary goal is more than just saying, "I want to lose 25 lbs" or "I want to learn the guitar."  It has to be backed up with a meaningful purpose.  A primary goal would sound more like, "I am going to become optimally healthy because I want to live long and be able to do things with my kids" or "I will improve my musical talents so I can bring the music I love to other people."  Do you see the difference?

After you have identified your primary goal, your hopes and dreams about your health, how are you going to get there?  That's where secondary choices come in to play.  These are the choices that support your primary goal.  You might decide you need to lower your BMI by losing 25 lbs.  You might consider adding exercise 3 or 4 times a week.  You would probably need to start eating healthier than you are currently.  And perhaps you would create or look for a program that would help you accomplish your secondary goals and therefore your primary goals (if you are looking for a program, look here).  

Example Secondary Choice:

You come home from work and are very tired.  You are supposed to go work out for 20 min at the gym and come home and fix a healthy meal.  Right now you feel like grabbing a big mac and kicking back on the couch to watch your favorite show, Biggest Loser.

In the moment, it might seem better to take the burger and t.v. show, but here's where STOP CHALLENGE CHOOSE comes into play.  

STOP before responding.  Take a moment to think about the situation and the outcomes.
CHALLENGE why you feel the way you do.  What is influencing your choice? Remember what you really want.
CHOOSE your ideal outcome.  What will help you achieve your primary goal?

Let's go through that previous example using the method:

STOP!  I better look at this situation.  CHALLENGE!  I am tired and that is why I want to sit and watch tv with my burger.  CHOOSE!  I am going to go to the gym and make a healthy meal because that will help me reach my goal of becoming optimally healthy.

It looks easy when put like that, but it can be very difficult.  Especially when other people are around and pressuring you.  Be strong!  Good or bad, all those little choices add up.  Remember what you really want.


  1. Such a great post! This lesson is so helpful, especially this time of year when there are so many unhealthy temptations around. Remember the real reason for events/get-togethers...to spend time with the people we care about:)

  2. Thanks for this post Brooke. What a great reminder!
