Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Day 14 Increase Activity

Current Total Holiday Weight Loss {9.4 lbs}
(Do you like how I put that at the top now?  It's a bit easier to see)

Today I was reminded of the importance of increasing physical activity and how easy it is.  Now you might be thinking, What are you talking about, Brooke?! It is way hard to find the time and energy to get out and exercise!  Before you have a melt down, hear me out:  You can increase your physical activity without a structured exercise plan.

Here are some ideas...

Park your car in the spot furthest away from the entrance
Take the stairs
Go for a walk on your lunch break
Walk to your neighbors to drop something off instead of driving the two blocks
Drink lots of water (you'll have to get up and walk to the bathroom more frequently)
Clean your house, get down to the nitty-gritty
Sit up straight (Yes, when your body is engaged you are burning more calories)
Rake up 'dem leaves and shovel 'dat snow
Run with your dog around the house (I did this today and it's what inspired this post)
Keep your feet moving while you are sitting down
Ride your bike to work

If you put some or all of these into practice not only will you burn more calories, but you might save some money.  A structured exercise plan is important for your health (you know that thing where you do cardio 3x a week and weight training the other 3x), but every little bit helps.
Carry on my faithful ones!

 (Me and Dolly.  Yes I look creepy and disheveled.  Keep in mind we were running.  And yes I got a few braces put on today...gross, don't ask, long story, maybe another day.)

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